Wólakȟota Warriors

Hall of Fame: Kicopi Washburn

Hall of Fame: Kicopi Washburn

Kicopi Washburn grew up in Eagle Butte, at the heart of South Dakota’s Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation. Although she has lived here since she was 8 years old, she didn’t start attending CRYP programming until she was 14. “That’s when I was old enough to apply for an...

June Hall of Fame: Nation Cowins

June Hall of Fame: Nation Cowins

Although Nation Cowins grew up in Eagle Butte, South Dakota, he didn’t discover CRYP’s youth programming until this spring. He first arrived at Cokata Wiconi (Center of Life) in March, and he immediately got involved with the teen center’s native wellness, native food...

June Hall of Fame: A’Leigh RedDog

June Hall of Fame: A’Leigh RedDog

One of our greatest joys at CRYP is witnessing a child who attended our youth programming at The Main successfully transition to our Cokata Wiconi (Center of Life) teen center. A’Leigh RedDog is one such success story: She first started coming to The Main at age 7,...