There are several ways you can help CRYP reach its goal of serving 1,500 children during the 2014 Christmas Toy Drive, from donating funds and toys, to sponsoring a “Dear Santa” letter, to providing supplies, to volunteering your time.

* Make a tax-deductible donation by sending cash, a check or a money order to: The Cheyenne River Youth Project, P.O. Box 410, Eagle Butte, SD 57625.

* Make a tax-deductible donation via PayPal on this website. Simply click “Help CRYP” in the above navigation bar.

* Make a tax-deductible donation via Crowdrise.

* Donate a gift. See our Christmas Wish List; or, to request a specific “Dear Santa” letter, contact CRYP Family Services at (605) 964-8200 or via e-mail at

* Donate gift cards, gift bags, wrapping paper, tissue paper, tape or anything else that might assist in toy-drive preparations.

* Consider donating a Santa suit! We’d also love clothes for Mrs. Claus and the elves.

* Spread the word. If you have friends or family members who might like to make a donation, please let them know how they can help.

* Consider volunteering! This is an experience that will change your life. We guarantee it.