As even the most remote parts of the world are becoming more connected through the Internet, the Cheyenne River Youth Project will be giving its youth an opportunity to learn programming at its three-day Game Programming Boot Camp next week.

The three-day JavaScript boot camp will run from June 2-4 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., and will be taught by CRYP’s own technology coordinator, Jonathan Stuart-Moore.

Stuart-Moore, who holds a degree in computer science from Middlebury College in Vermont, says that computer programming should be open to everyone, particularly kids on Indian reservations where one day they may be able to write programs that could have benefits for their own communities.

“To truly leverage the power of a computer, you have to learn a language that a computer understands,” says Stuart Moore. “You might build the next great game or app; or you might even become a scientist or engineer and work in the tech industry. The great thing about computer programming is that as long as you have an Internet connection, you can write code wherever you are and share it with the global community.”

Students will use CRYP’s computer lab to learn JavaScript, which is used in the vast majority of applications around the world and also the platform upon which Facebook was originally built. Participants will write, edit and test their applications over the three-day camp, while also learning about the many resources available to them to continue their programming once the course has concluded.

“Programming is really fun and one of the best ways to get started is by writing games,” says Stuart-Moore. “Games are easy to understand, exciting to write and great for sharing with friends and family. Many people start by programming games and move on to more complex applications later.”

The class will start Monday, June 2, and conclude on Wednesday, June 4. Hours will be 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. with a one-hour lunch and two breaks each day.

For more information on the class, please contact Tammy Eagle Hunter at 605-964-8200 or a Also, please follow us on Facebook at for updates and information.

Founded in 1988, the Cheyenne River Youth Project is dedicated to providing the youth of the Cheyenne River reservation with access to a vibrant and secure future through a variety of culturally sensitive and enduring programs, projects and facilities, ensuring strong, self-sufficient families and communities. Today, CRYP provides a wide variety of programs and services to the community, covering nearly 3 million acres in  South Dakota. To learn more about CRYP, visit