Fifteen-year-old Brenton Veit might have originally signed up for a teen internship at the Cheyenne River Youth Project to earn a little extra money, but he ended up taking home much more than his stipend.

Brenton has attended CRYP programs since he was in sixth grade, taking advantage of the opportunity to get out of the house and spend time with staff, volunteers and friends. Open gym has always been a huge draw, but that’s not what makes the youth project special, in his opinion.

“It’s the way they treat us,” he reflects. “I can just be myself when I’m there.”

Seeking to earn a little extra money, Brenton signed up for the Sustainable Agriculture and Social Enterprise internships, working in CRYP’s organically grown Winyan Toka Win (Leading Lady) garden and farm-to-table Keya (Turtle) Cafe & Coffeeshop. That wasn’t enough; he’s currently completing a Wellness internship.

“I’ve learned a lot and gained so much experience,” Brenton says. “I really appreciate what they’ve been teaching me. Wellness has been great, because I’m earning money, I”m working out, and I’m even getting CPR certified.”

When he’s not working, Brenton enjoys studying ninth grade science and history at Cheyenne-Eagle Butte High School, and he loves watching and playing basketball. And, he has his sights set on college. His goal?

“To finish, and try to make it big!” he says with a smile.